EBL Mountain Guiding
Custom Built Mountain Adventures and Courses
Yukon Territory
Northern British-Columbia
We offer custom built programs specific to the needs and desire of our clients.
- Base Camp
- Ski traverses
- Day Trips
- Avalanche Courses
- Crevasse Rescue
- Ski mountaineering Skills
- Single Pitch Guiding
- Multi Pitch Guiding
- Alpine Objectives
- Remote Expeditions
Mountain Adventures and Courses Specialist
Eliel Bureau-Lafontaine
- ACMG Ski Guide/Apprentice Alpine Guide
- CAA Ops 2 - Practitioner
- NOLS Mountaineering Instructor
- Wilderness First Responder
Éliel grew up in a remote commune in Québec's Gaspé Péninsula. From the youngest age Éliel was attracted by nature and remote areas. After completing an Adventure Tourism Technician course in 2006, he went on a series of mind boggling adventures that saw him cross the province of Québec twice on a bicycle, do a 45 days first canoe traverse in northern Québec, snowshoe for 36 days solo across the Gaspé Peninsula, meditate for a month in a snow cave north of the arctic circle, as well as climb multiple 5000m and 6000m summits around the globe.
In 2009, Éliel made the Yukon Territory his home and playground when he moved up North and started guiding for a local company by the name of Cabin Fever Adventures. Since then, he has progressed through the ACMG and CAA stream of courses with the end goal of providing people with memorable mountain adventures.
Trust his serene and joyful approach to everyday challenges to add a positive note to an adventure you'll remember.
Tell me about your dream
418 713-9877happyhicker@hotmail.com